In this beginners-friendly video, you can learn Krita 5.0 from the very basics, until you can draw a simple stylized character illustration like this turtle astronaut. The video is quite long, almost 50 minutes. I divide it into several sections which you access as YouTube timestamps. To summarize, here are the sections and times in the video:
- 00:00 Introduction
- 01:02 Software and Hardware
- 03:35 Creating new documents
- 06:28 UI Customization
- 08:57 Canvas navigation
- 12:37 Tips for Krita’s performance
- 16:48 Setting up the brush presets
- 20:33 Sketching
- 24:25 Creating the silhouette
- 27:50 Cropping and background
- 29:11 Base colors
- 31:18 Ambient occlusion
- 35:19 Shadow colors
- 37:40 Transparent surface and color revision
- 40:00 Highlights and backlights
- 43:57 Texture and style
- 47:13 Learning Krita thoroughly
- 48:03 Closing