

Welcome to Krita-Tutorials website!

Krita-Tutorials is the best place where you can find tutorials and resources around Krita.

If you still don’t know what Krita is. Krita is a free and open source digital painting software available for Windows, Mac and Linux. You can download Krita for free from the official website krita.org.

Quick how-to tutorials


General tips

Beginners guide to Krita

If you are very new to Krita then you should join my course at UdemyDigital painting with Krita 5.0 for beginners

Intermediate-level course

After the basic-level course, you can level up your skills by joining the intermediate-level course.

Advanced-level course

Complete your journey and commitment to mastering Krita by joining our advanced-level course.

Basic + Intermediate + Advanced
Krita Course Bundle

Available now! The course bundle for “Digital Painting with Krita 5.0” series. You can save up to -40% off. This course bundle only available on our main website Expose Academy.