Great news! Krita version 4.2.0 finally released. With over a thousand bugs fixed and exciting new functionality like painting in HDR and of course the support HDR hardware monitors. Krita is the first graphic application in the world to support full digital painting workflow in HDR (high dynamic range).

There are so many things to cover but just for a quick summary here are some of the feature highlights in this release:

  • HDR (high dynamic range) painting.
  • Improved brush speed performance with vectorization and lock-free programming.
  • Improved Color Palette docker.
  • Animation Python API.
  • Color Gamut Masking.
  • Flow improvements.
  • Brush sharpness pressure control.
  • Overall performance and memory usage improvements.
  • Move and transform selections.
  • Select layer content from layer’s thumbnail.
  • Misc UI/UX improvements.
  • And so much more…

To learn more about this release you check out the release notes page.

Nathan Lovato a.k.a GDQuest kindly enough created this video review of what’s new in Krita 4.2.0 release.

You can check the complete news at CG-Bulletin, here is the direct link to the article.